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Welcome! We're happy to have you here! If you're new to the forum, please remember to see the Rules, Regulations, Setting, Plot, and other information that will help guide you on your journey into the wasteland!
Valt 333 is a Fallout themed roleplay forum. We allow you two different experiences into the wasteland. Either out in the open wide world of the post apocalyptic nuclear war ravaged world of the wasteland, or you can see what life is like inside a sealed closed vault. The secrets, the drama, food shortages and power outages. We allow as many characters as you can come up with! Please remember to read ALL rules and regulations before joining, or going any further.
Fall, 2287
Electric Radiation Storm Warning
New Vegas Radio reports electric radiation storms happening across the entire west coast, towards the middle of the wastelands. It is advised all wastelanders seek shelter at the first sign of a radiation storm. Signs include a greenish brown tinge to the air/sky, sudden bolts of white lightning, heavy wind, and a sudden feeling of burning on the flesh, or in the lungs.
Vault 333
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Forum created, theme installed and updated, forum begins to take shape.
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.
Month Day
Duis at elit id tortor luctus condimentum. Nam erat velit, ultricies malesuada nibh ut, molestie luctus tellus. Donec varius nisi quis nunc convallis venenatis. Pellentesque orci dui, ultricies sit amet mi at, tincidunt mollis mauris. Mauris viverra tellus nec sapien accumsan pellentesque. Nulla tristique porttitor commodo.
Quick Links
01. Vault Setting
02. World Setting
03. Forum Rules
04. Vault Laws
05. Official Factions
06. Important Charries
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